O Globo: Compliance in the context of criminal investigations by Paulo Freitas
• 18.06.2021
The partner Paulo Freitas published the article ‘Compliance in the context of criminal investigations’ in the column Fumus Boni Iuris, from the newspaper O Globo.
In the article, Paulo explores different scenarios in which managers from companies need to make decisions as a result of findings of internal investigations implemented due to compliance programs.
In an environment of legal uncertainty as the one Brazil faces, it is common that the question concerning self-reporting to authorities is raised when irregularities are identified.
Paulo analyses the legal rules on the subject and the blanks left by the Brazilian legal system when it comes to internal investigations and self-reporting.
Read the article on https://blogs.oglobo.globo.com/fumus-boni-iuris/post/paulo-freitas-ribeiro-o-compliance-no-contexto-de-investigacoes-penais.html