Matheus Vellasco and Laura Becker: The case of the coach and the legal feasibility of the capitulation of attempted murder
• 04.04.2022
In an article published in the Magazine Consultor Jurídico (Conjur), Matheus Vellasco and Laura Becker addressed the case of a coach from São Paulo who took dozens of people on an expedition to Serra da Mantiqueira.
However, given the adverse weather conditions and the alleged leader’s lack of technical expertise as a trail guide, the Fire Department had to be called to rescue the expedition’s participants.
The incident drew the attention of the Civil Police Station of the Municipality of Piquete, which initiated an investigation, at first, to investigate the crime of homicide, in the attempted modality.
The article is available at https://www.conjur.com.br/2022-mar-30/vellasco-atayde-coach-pico-marins