Matheus Kauss Vellasco: The need to compensate arrestees for abusive penalties
ConJur • 19.08.2021
Our partner Matheus Kauss Vellasco published an article in Consultor Jurídico (ConJur) discussing the need to compensate arrestees for harsh penalties.
By denying fundamental rights, such as medical assistance and hygiene, the Brazilian overcrowded prison system imposes on arrestees a subset of penalties that exceed those sanctions legally allowed.
Considering this illegal and excessive suffering, the article discusses the possibility of compensating arrestees by reducing the jail time imposed as a means of mitigating the consequences caused by the degrading conditions prisoners have to endure.
Read the full article here https://www.conjur.com.br/2021-ago-19/vellasco-necessidade-compensacao-penas-abusivas.